Sunday, January 9, 2011

A long time coming

So to those of you who actually read this, I'm sorry it has been so long since I have written, life has been crazy and there just haven't been enough hours in the day to spend one of them writing. One of my friends recently told me he's going to stop following this if I don't post soon. So Cory Oliver, this is for your enjoyment

Recently I have learned a lot of things about myself. Losing one of your best friends can do that to you. But, losing one of your best friends can also make you realize how important the ones who stick around REALLY are. Cory Oliver and Chase Hargis, I would like to thank you for being my rock. For being the two people who I can count on for absolutely anything, and for loving me for all my flaws, and obnoxious quirks.

This post is going to be me ranting about everything in my life. It's one I would recommend ignoring.

Today, I would like to complain about how self centered the world we live in is. I'm not going to pretend I'm innocent, and not at fault on this matter, because heaven knows I am. I just don't understand how it is so easy for some people to turn around and stab someone, they say is their best friend, in the back just for some self gain. I know I'm not perfect, but I can't see myself lying about a friend to make someone like me more. If anyone can explain why this is please and thank you. Any insight would be wonderful. I can't really find the energy to rant more, because it will be directed towards a few people in specific and I'm just done. I promise a better post tomorrow, when I'm less irritated!